Eavesdropping Eavesdropping is a way or technique used in order to interrupt or listening private communications mainly in VOIP communication. A hacker or intruder can easily setup a system to hear communication in a network. Eavesdropping can also use to read people's instant messages and e-mails. This all happens without user consent. The term is derived from the people who used to eavesdrop to listen very private communication a century ago. Those people are called eavesdroppers so the term is inspired from them. When eavesdropping implemented by an intruder all messages, e-mails and calls mainly Internet based calls through VOIP technology are passed through that intruder and he becomes able to read your messages, e-mails and listening your phone calls. VOIP is vulnerable with some security issues, therefore eavesdropping can take place in VOIP systems rather than traditional systems. Now, it can be guessed that in what manner it can harm you. Methods to be save from Eav...
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