What is IPv4 address?

What is an IP V4 address? IPv4 address is an acronym of Internet Protocol Version 4, was created to overcome the massive problem of IP address crisis. Once there was a time in which all IP address had been assigned to the nodes on the Internet. So a solution had to take place to overcome the crisis, then version 4 came into existence with millions of new IP addresses and a new concept of classes. IPv4 addresses are divided into 5 classes i.e. A, B, C, D, E. The addresses of class A, B, C and are used but class E addresses are reserved for future use. Class D addresses are used in broadcasting. IPv4 address is a 32-bit address which is divided into two parts i.e. host ID and Net ID e.g, is an IP address. Because of classes, a person had to buy a class means if a person has 1200 members in his company and he wants to buy IP addresses to them in order to assign an IP address to each node in his network. Then he had to buy a class but class A contains ...