What is IPv4 address?

What is an IP V4 address?

IPv4 address is an acronym of Internet Protocol Version 4, was created to overcome the massive problem of IP address crisis. Once there was a time in which all IP address had been assigned to the nodes on the Internet. So a solution had to take place to overcome the crisis, then version 4 came into existence with millions of new IP addresses and a new concept of classes.
IPv4 addresses are divided into 5 classes i.e. A, B, C, D, E. The addresses of class A, B, C and are used but class E addresses are reserved for future use. Class D addresses are used in broadcasting.
IPv4 address is a 32-bit address which is divided into two parts i.e. host ID and Net ID e.g, is an IP address.
Because of classes, a person had to buy a class means if a person has 1200 members in his company and he wants to buy IP addresses to them in order to assign an IP address to each node in his network. Then he had to buy a class but class A contains 16 million and above IP addresses, whereas class B contains 65,536 thousand IP address which is also massive to that person but class C contains 256 IP address which suits his requirement but it is small, so he can buy 5 class C block but that will lose for 80 IP address.

Similarly, people start buying more IP addresses and reserve them without any use, which also leads IPv4 addresses towards crisis. Then a new concept took place which is called Classless now a person only pay for the desired number of IP address which saves IP address up to a large number of extent. But IPv4 address is now about to finish because lots of devices have taken place on the earth which runs on IP address. To overcome IPv4 crisis a new version has released i.e. called IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) which is a very huge pool as compared to the IPv4 and contains billions of IP addresses.

So we have learned now, What are IPv4 addresses? And sort of versions of the IP address as well, keep learning from computerflicks. Please leave comments.


  1. I don't know much about IP addresses and your article does a good job of explaining them. I didn't realize there was a problem with people purchasing IP addresses with no plans on using them. How would you go about purchasing an IP address? http://iptrading.com/buy-ipv4/

  2. Thanks Rachel for ur comment, it depends on hosts and networks if I will buy IP addresses for them then I will prefer classless concept to buy a block of IP addresses to fulfill my requirement or I can also use vlsm concept in classfull to use my IP addresses in an efficient way. I will soon write post on vlsm and classless concept. I hope I have described my point, keep following the blog.

  3. Thank you for the detailed and informative post. Remember that the pool of participants in the IPv4 marketplace is burgeoning day-by-day. That is why you should carefully evaluate the qualifications, ethical standards, reputation, and reliability of your preferred IPv4 broker before hiring them. https://ipv4mall.com/

  4. It is important to have some idea about the internet protocol addresses to learn about the networking topics. Ipv4 addresses can be bought, sold and leased by the help of a trusted brokerage service. They can make the process a lot easier than dong it by yourself. ipv4mall


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