
Computer's abbreviations
  • A

  • APPLE   ->  Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment
  • ALU   ->  Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • AGP   ->  Accelarated Graphics Port
  • ASP   ->   Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • ASYNC   ->  Asynchronous
  • ALGOL    ->   Algorithmic Language
  • AI    ->   Artificial Intelligence
  • ADC    ->   Analog To Digital Converter
  • ASCII    ->   American Standard Code For Information Interchange
  • ATM    ->   Automatic Teller Machine

  • B
  • BIOS    ->   Basic Input Output System
  • BASIC    ->   Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • BSNL    ->   Bharat Sanchar Nigham Limited

  • C

  • CD    ->   Compact Disk
  • CD ROM    ->   Compact Disk Read Only Memory
  • CD RW    ->   Compact Disk Read and Write
  • CAD    ->   Computer Aided Designing
  • CAM    ->   Computer Aided
  • CPU    ->   Central Processing Unit
  • CU    ->   Control Unit
  • CRT    ->   Cathode Ray Tube
  • CSS    ->   Cascading Style Sheet
  • COBOL    ->   Common Business Oriented Language
  • CDMA    ->   Code Division Multiple Access
  • CHAP    ->   Challenge Handshake Authetication Protocol
  • COMPUTER    ->   Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Education Research --- updated by Shalini Jha
  • CSRF    ->   Cross Site Request Forgery

  • D

  • D RAM    ->   Dynamic RAM
  • DBMS    ->   Data Base Management System
  • DAC    ->   Digital To Analog Converter
  • DCL    ->   Digital Command Language
  • DFD    ->   Data Flow Diagram
  • DLNA    ->   Digital Living Network Alliance
  • DNS    ->   Domain Name System
  • DVD    ->   Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disk
  • DPI    ->   Dot Per Inches
  • DRDO    ->   Defense Research And Development Organization
  • DOS    ->   Disk Operating System
  • DDOS    ->   Distributed Denial Of Services
  • DHTML    ->   Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
  • DES    ->   Data Encryption Standard

  • E

  • E-MAIL    ->   Electronic Mail
  • E-COMMERCE    ->   Electronic Commerce
  • E-PROM    ->   Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • EBCDIC    ->   Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  • EDP    ->   Electronic Data Processing
  • EE-PROM    ->   Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • ENIAC    ->   Electronic Numerical Integrated And Computer
  • EDSAC    ->   Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

  • F

  • FORTRAN    ->   Formula Translation
  • FTP    ->   File Transfer Protocol
  • F#    ->   F Sharp

  • G

  • GUI    ->   Graphical User Interface
  • GPS    ->   Global Positioning System
  • GPRS    ->   General Packet Radio Services
  • GSM    ->   Global System Mobile
  • Google   ->   Global organization of oriented Group Language of Earth --- updated by Shalini Jha

  • H

  • HTML    ->   Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTTP    ->   Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPS    ->   Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

  • I

  • ISP    ->   Internet Service Provider
  • ISDN    ->   Integrated Services Digital Network
  • IBM    ->   International Business Machine
  • ISO    ->   International Organization for Standardization
  • IT    ->   Information Technology
  • IP    ->   Internet Protocol
  • IPSec    ->   Internet Protocol Secure
  • ICMP    ->   Internet Control Message Protocol
  • IOS    ->   I-phone Operating System
  • IGMP    ->   Internet Group Message Protocol
  • IRC    ->   Internet Relay Chat
  • IDS    ->   Intrusion Detection System

  • J

  • JSON    ->   Java Script Object Notation
  • JSP    ->   Java Server Page
  • K

  • KBPS    ->   Kilo Byte Per Second
  • KB   ->   Kilo Byte
  • L

  • LAN    ->   Local Area Network
  • LSI    ->   Large Scale Integration
  • LCD    ->   Liquid Crystal Display
  • L2TP    ->   Layer To Tunneling Protocol

  • M

  • MAN    ->   MetroPolitan Area Network
  • MBPS    ->   Mega Byte Per Second
  • MB    ->   Mega Byte
  • MICR    ->   Magnetic Ink Character Reader
  • MODEM    ->   Modulator - Demodulator
  • MS-DOS    ->   Microsoft Disk Operating System
  • MS-ACCESS    ->   Microsoft Access
  • MS-WORD    ->   Microsoft Word
  • MS-WINDOWS    ->   Microsoft Windows
  • MUSB    ->   Micro Universal Serial Bus
  • MTNL    ->   Mahanagar Telephone Niagam Limited
  • MIME    ->   Multimedia Internet Mail Extension

  • N

  • NIC    ->   Network Interface Card or National Informatics Center
  • NAN    ->   Not A Number
  • NMAP    ->   Networke Messaging Application Protocol
  • NFC    ->   Nearest Field Communication

  • O

  • OCR    ->   Optical Character Reader
  • OMR    ->   Optical Mark Reader
  • OS    ->   Operating System
  • OSI    ->   Open System Interconnection

  • P

  • PC    ->   Personal Computer
  • PDL    ->  Program Design Language
  • PL1    ->  Program Language 1
  • PL/SQL    ->   Procedural Sequential Query Language
  • POS    ->   Point Of Scale
  • PDF    ->   Portable document Format
  • PROM    ->   Programmable Read Only Memory
  • PHP    ->  Hyper Text Preprocessor
  • PPTP    ->   Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
  • PSTN    ->   Public Switched Telephone Network
  • PING    ->   Packet Internet Gopher
  • POD    ->   Ping Of Death
  • PAP    ->   Password Authentication Protocol

  • R

  • RAM    ->   Random Access Memory
  • ROM    ->   Read Only Memory
  • RPG    ->   Report Program Generator

  • S

  • SRAM    ->   Static Random Access Memory
  • SCSI PORT    ->   Small Computer System Port
  • SONY   ->   Sound Of New York
  • SD   ->   Secure Digital
  • SDHC   ->   Secure Digital High Capacity
  • SDXC   ->   Secure Digital Extended Capacity
  • SMPS   ->   Switched Mode Power Supply
  • SMTP   ->   Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • SSL   ->   Secure Socket Layer
  • SSD   ->  Solid State Drive / Disk

  • T

  • TCP/IP    ->   Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
  • TFT    ->   Thin Film Transistor
  • TLS    ->   Transport Layer Security

  • U

  • ULSI    ->   Ultra Large Scale Integration
  • UNIVAC   ->   Universal Automatic Computer
  • UPS    ->   Uninterpretable Power Supply
  • URL   ->   Uniform Resource Locater
  • URI   ->   Uniform Resource Identifier
  • USB    ->   Universal Serial Data Bus
  • UMTS   ->   Universal Mobile Telecommunications System --- updated by Shalini Jha
  • UHS I    ->   Ultra High Speed Phase I

  • V

  • VLSI    ->   Very Large Scale Integration
  • VOIP    ->   Voice Over IP(Internet Protocol)
  • VDU    ->   Visual Display Unit
  • VIRUS   ->   Vital Information Resources Under Siege --- updated by Shalini Jha
  • VSNL    ->   Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limeted

  • W

  • WWW    ->   World Wide Web
  • WIMAX    ->   World Wide Interoperability For Micro Wave Access
  • WLL    ->   Wireless Local Loop
  • WORM    ->   Write Once Read Many
  • WINDOWS    ->   Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution --- updated by Shalini Jha
  • WI-FI    ->   Wireless Fidelity

  • X

  • XML    ->  Extensible Markup Language
  • XHTML    ->   Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
  • XSS    ->   Cross Site Scripting

  • Y
  • YAHOO   ->   Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle --- updated by Shalini Jha

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