Computer's abbreviations and relevant full forms
Computer's abbreviations and relevant full forms
- A
- APPLE -> Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment
- ALU -> Arithmetic Logic Unit
- ASP -> Active Server Page
- AJAX -> Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
- ASYNC -> Asynchronous
- ALGOL -> Algorithmic Language
- AI -> Artificial Intelligence
- ADC -> Analog To Digital Converter
- ASCII -> American Standard Code For Information Interchange
- ATM -> Automatic Teller Machine
- B
- BIOS -> Basic Input Output System
- BASIC -> Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- BSNL -> Bharat Sanchar Nigham Limited
- C
- CD -> Compact Disk
- CD ROM -> Compact Disk Read Only Memory
- CD RW -> Compact Disk Read and Write
- CAD -> Computer Aided Designing
- CAM -> Computer Aided
- CPU -> Central Processing Unit
- CU -> Control Unit
- CRT -> Cathode Ray Tube
- CSS -> Cascading Style Sheet
- COBOL -> Common Business Oriented Language
- CDMA -> Code Division Multiple Access
- CSRF -> Cross Site Request Forgery
- D
- D RAM -> Dynamic RAM
- DBMS -> Data Base Management System
- DAC -> Digital To Analog Converter
- DCL -> Digital Command Language
- DFD -> Data Flow Diagram
- DNS -> Domain Name System
- DVD -> Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disk
- DPI -> Dot Per Inches
- DRDO -> Defense Research And Development Organization
- DOS -> Disk Operating System
- DDOS -> Distributed Denial Of Services
- DHTML -> Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
- E
- E-MAIL -> Electronic Mail
- E-COMMERCE -> Electronic Commerce
- E-PROM -> Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- EBCDIC -> Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
- EDP -> Electronic Data Processing
- EE-PROM -> Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- ENIAC -> Electronic Numerical Integrated And Computer
- EDSAC -> Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
- F
- FORTRAN -> Formula Translation
- FTP -> File Transfer Protocol
- F# -> F Sharp
- G
- GUI -> Graphical User Interface
- GPS -> Global Positioning System
- GPRS -> General Packet Radio Services
- GSM -> Global System Mobile
- H
- HTML -> Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTTP -> Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS -> Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
- I
- ISP -> Internet Service Provider
- ISDN -> Integrated Services Digital Network
- IBM -> International Business Machine
- ISO -> International Organization for Standardization
- IT -> Information Technology
- IP -> Internet Protocol
- IPSec -> Internet Protocol Secure
- ICMP -> Internet Control Message Protocol
- IOS -> I-phone Operating System
- IGMP -> Internet Group Message Protocol
- IRC -> Internet Relay Chat
- IDS -> Intrusion Detection System
- J
- JSON -> Java Script Object Notation
- JSP -> Java Server Page
- K
- KBPS -> Kilo Byte Per Second
- KB -> Kilo Byte
- L
- LAN -> Local Area Network
- LSI -> Large Scale Integration
- LCD -> Liquid Crystal Display
- L2TP -> Layer To Tunneling Protocol
- M
- MAN -> MetroPolitan Area Network
- MBPS -> Mega Byte Per Second
- MB -> Mega Byte
- MICR -> Magnetic Ink Character Reader
- MODEM -> Modulator - Demodulator
- MS-DOS -> Microsoft Disk Operating System
- MS-ACCESS -> Microsoft Access
- MS-WORD -> Microsoft Word
- MS-WINDOWS -> Microsoft Windows
- MUSB -> Micro Universal Serial Bus
- MTNL -> Mahanagar Telephone Niagam Limited
- MIME -> Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
- N
- NIC -> Network Interface Card or National Informatics Center
- NAN -> Not A Number
- NMAP -> Network ?
- O
- OCR -> Optical Character Reader
- OMR -> Optical Mark Reader
- OS -> Operating System
- OSI -> Open System Interconnection
- P
- PC -> Personal Computer
- PDL -> Program Design Language
- PL1 -> Program Language 1
- PL/SQL -> Procedural Sequential Query Language
- POS -> Point Of Scale
- PROM -> Programmable Read Only Memory
- PHP -> Hyper Text Preprocessor
- PPTP -> Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
- PSTN -> Public Switched Telephone Network
- PING -> Packet Internet Gopher
- POD -> Ping Of Death
- R
- RAM -> Random Access Memory
- ROM -> Read Only Memory
- RPG -> Report Program Generator
- S
- SRAM -> Static Random Access Memory
- SCSI PORT -> Small Computer System Port
- SONY -> Sound Of New York
- SD -> Secure Digital
- SDHC -> Secure Digital High Capacity
- SDXC -> Secure Digital Extended Capacity
- SMPS -> Switched Mode Power Supply
- SMTP -> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SSL -> Secure Socket Layer
- SSD -> Solid State Drive / Disk
- T
- TCP/IP -> Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
- TFT -> Thin Film Transistor
- U
- ULSI -> Ultra Large Scale Integration
- UNIVAC -> Universal Automatic Computer
- UPS -> Uninterpretable Power Supply
- URL -> Uniform Resource Locater
- URI -> Uniform Resource Identifier
- USB -> Universal Serial Data Bus
- V
- VLSI -> Very Large Scale Integration
- VDU -> Visual Display Unit
- VSNL -> Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limeted
- W
- WWW -> World Wide Web
- WIMAX -> World Wide Interoperability For Micro Wave Access
- WLL -> Wireless Local Loop
- WORM -> Write Once Read Many
- WI-FI -> Wireless Fidelity
- X
- XML -> Extensible Markup Language
- XHTML -> Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
- XSS -> Cross Site Scripting
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