What is Anti virus or Anti malware?

" Anti virus or Anti malware is a software program, used to catch unwanted softwares from your system which are trying to disrupt your security, stealing your data and slowing down your system performance, in order to provide you and your system a good and real time protection. Because they are the counter part of virus and malware, so called Anti virus and Anti malware respectively."

An anti virus or anti malware is a program or a software, which is used to catch viruses or other malwres respectively from your PC, who are messing up and disrupting your computer performance, stealing your data and spying on you.
Anti virus or Anti malwares are designed using foot print technology which works very smartly in order to catch malwares by inspecting them footprints. A virus or a malware can enter into your system via any mean for instance malware comes into your system by emails, pen drives and by vulgar sites. Some times your intervention spread them or sometimes they automatically spread themselves by transmitting themselves one place to another via network or Internet.

All in all malwares are very harmful to all of us, we need to be aware of such malwares by means of anti malware programs like kespersky, Avira, Malware bytes, bid defender and windows defender.

One another remark to you that always choose an anti malware software which provides real time protection with adware and spyware definitions. I will suggest you to use Microsoft free utility windows defender which provides all kind of protections.

1. The most important things to let you know that always keep your anti virus or anti malware upto date for latest adware, spyware and other malware definitions.

2. An Anti virus provides protection only from virus not from other forms of malware so always buy anti malware software programs to keep you save entirely, or buy an anti virus program with all of the malware protections. To know about malwares read my post on Malwares.

So we have learned now, What is Anti virus or Anti malware? keep learning from computerflicks. Please leave comments.


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