How to speed up torrents downloads?

Most of the people wants to download softwares, movies, games and so forth quickly from torrents. You can only download fast when there are enough seeders available to the particular software, movie and other things, otherwise it might be very time consuming. So in this post we are going to learn How to speed up torrents downloads? over Internet.
You can do this easily by getting the knowledge over here. There are some websites available on the Internet to make your torrents download fast. We will learn this from a website named .

To do so you need to follow some given steps one after another.

Step 1: Goto torrents site like or you can choose your favorite one and download the torrent file it might be around 1 or 2 KB in size.

Step 2: Now open your favorite browser and type in google URL bar

Step 3: After opening the site click on .torrent and browse your torrents file i.e 1 or 2 KB file downloaded from or any other website, now it will give you two options one for free download and another for premium account i.e paid. Choose free or click on free to download your file.
After doing all these effort, wait a while it will take some time (depends on your Internet speed) to cache your file data. After caching, your download will start automatically.

Tip: " Use Internet download manager (IDM) to download your file faster than your browser".

Note: "You can only download minimum 1 GB file in size at a time from free service of the site. If you want to download more then 1 GB at a time you need its premium account which is paid. So choose free if your file size is around 1 GB in size otherwise it will not let you download your file."

So we have learned now, How to speed up torrents downloads? try it yourself with your favorite torrents site. It is quite easy to download your favorite items from torrents quickly. Please leave comments.


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