How to stop beeps after pressing the keys on your keyboard?

Sometimes your keyboard works as a piano means it gives annoying beeps seems coming out from your CPU, on pressing the every single key on your keyboard or pressing the Num lock, Caps lock keys and so forth. It happens because of sticky keys and toggle keys feature of windows operating system, so before learning that How to stop beeps after pressing the keys on your keyboard?. Let me explain you what are these keys.

Sticky keys

Sticky keys lets you use the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or windows logo keys in a single key means you don't need to press multiple keys at a time to open up something like task manager or other functions required more than one key at a time. You can merge three keys into a single key with the help of sticky keys. You can enable sticky keys by pressing the shift key on your keyboard five times and setup them according to you. If you do so then it will give you beeps on pressing the keys, if you done this intentionally then use it without ado, otherwise disable them if you have open up them by mistake. To do so you need to follow the given step.

You can disable sticky keys by just pressing the two keys at a time, or goto control panel and choose Ease of access Center and click on Make the keyboard easier to use inside this section uncheck the Turn on sticky Keys apply it and here you go.

Toggle keys

Toggle keys lets you add a beep or a high pitch sound with CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK and Scroll LOCK keys. Toggle keys produces a tone or a high pitch tone when you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys. It might be helpful to inform you that you have pressed a key between one of them. It is not a fault or error.
You can easily tern toggle keys ON or vise versa by just holding down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds on your keyboard, or follow the path to tern them off.
Control panel -> Ease of access Center -> Make the keyboard easier to use -> Turn on Toggle Keys and uncheck the box. Apply the changes and here you go.
In fact, these keys are very nice feature of Windows Operating system, you can use it without ado.

So we have learned now, How to stop beeps after pressing the keys on your keyboard? and what are these feature keys ?. Make changes in your computer to make it different form others or your friends. It is quite easy for those people who want to learn computer tricks to change their computing experience, so keep learning from computerflicks. Please leave comments.


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