What are USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports ?

USB 2.0

USB 2.0 describes Universal Serial Bus 2.0 standard which provides maximum 480 Mbits/s which is equivalent to 60 MBPS of data transfer speed. USB 2.0 is a Unidirectional or half duplex port which lets you transfer or receive data, however one operation at a time. Because of these problems its leads developer to introduce a new port type which is a USB 3.0 port. USB 2.0 contains 4 pins for all of its operation.

USB 3.0

USB 3.0 describes Universal Serial Bus standard 3.0 specifications, which provides maximum 5 Gbits/s which is equivalent to 640 MBPS of data transfer speed. The main feature of USB 3.0 are its bidirectional data transfer mode and it is ten times faster than USB 2.0 data transfer speed.

You can easily recognize a USB 3.0 by its blue color. USB 3.0 still have backward compatibility means you can use all of the product compatible to USB 2.0 specifications in USB 3.0 port, however they will work on their data transfer or receive specifications. A USB 3.0 port with backward compatibility contains 4 pins for USB 2.0 devices and 5 pins for USB 3.0 devices. USB 3.1 has also introduced in the market which supports up to 1.5 GBPS data transfer speed.

So we have learned now, What are USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports? And what are their specifications, keep learning from computerflicks. Please leave comments.


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