
Showing posts from May, 2018

Blockchain Introduction.

Blockchain Block chain is a decentralised management a public ledger system which provides authenticity of transactions, in a network. A block chain is built with blocks, where blocks are linked together and secured with cryptography. A block is a collection of information which is verified by all nodes in a network or blockchain and then added in an existing blockchain. A block is created after a Proof Of Work (POW), which basically involves a lot of mathematical and computational complexities. However, feasible to calculate a hash for a block in a blockchain, if someone is able to generate a hash for a particular block chain is then rewarded with some bitcoins, and added into the network as a node to maintain transactions, who is so called a miner. Every block contains a cryptographic hash function of previous block with a timestamp and date. A block chain is a technology that can store transactions, records, certificates, shipping information, and other sort ...

What is Bitcoin and how does it work.

Bitcoin What is Bitcoin and how does it work. Bitcoin is an application of block chain technology, and it basically a part of cryptocurrencies, there are more like ether, ripple, and Lite coin etc. It is called cryptocurrency just because it is based on cryptographic hash functions or values. Bitcoin is in hype nowadays, because bitcoins transactions are stored in a public ledger or decentralised database, any body can see those transaction publicly and verify data. Bitcoins provides authenticity and integrity of transactions and a bitcoin can not be added back to a block until it is expended and wiped out from ledger. If a transaction takes place in a network everybody receive information about the transaction in the network. There is no government or central bank involved in bitcoin transaction, therefore, there must be someone to maintain and update all transactions taking place in a particular network. The person who is responsible of maintaining all data and ...