How to convert pen drive or USB flash drive file system into NTFS from Command prompt ?
Sometimes when you are transferring data into your pen drive or USB flash drive it gives you an error that you need to convert your USB flash drive file system. You have enough space in your pen drive or USB flash drive but your are not able to transfer your data further. This problem basically, encountered by the new pen drives or USB flash drives which are using first time if your pen drive or USB flash drive has FAT32 file system then it causes problem but today, mostly pen drive or USB flash drive comes with NTFS file system. Another reason is the formatting of pen drive with some other file system like FAT32 . When you format your pen drive with FAT32 or FAT16 file system it converts your pen drive file system into one of these two file system which supports small data storage as compare to NTFS. Ntfs stands for N ew T echnology F ile S ystem and supports upto 1TB(Tera Byte). So people ask How to co...