What is Phishing?
What is Phishing? " Phishing is a hacker's trick or a way to entrap people by offering some fake extraordinary offers through e-mails or by creating fake pages seems very similar to the real webpages in order to entrap you. They entrap you like a fish, so called PHISHING." It is Phishing not fishing but similar to fishing. Phishing is a term and a technique used in the world of hacking and also used by hackers or intruders to entrap you in order to steal your identity means your credentials or user name and password. So I hope you get that what is Phishing? How Phishing takes place in order to entrap you ? When a hacker or an intruder wants to steal your identity or your credit card and bank account details they send you spam mails to entrap you. When you read that mail which might contain something relevant to your bank account or credit card information in order to entrap, you got stick. Most of the pe...